In this episode recorded in December 2022, Mark Parrett and Steven Manuel discuss the financial and moral implications of gambling. The obvious question is “can a Christian play poker?” but our hosts also look at other places we put our money which are effectively gambling. They also throw some shade at craps and roulette…
Abraham’s Wallet exists to inspire and equip Biblical family leaders. Please partner with us in inspiring and equipping multi-gen families at https://abrahamswallet.com/donate/
Resources mentioned in this episode:
AW article: Inheritance horror stories https://abrahamswallet.com/podcast/inheritance-horror-stories/
Documentary: Millions
Documentary: Lucky
30 for 30 Documentary: Broke
About Abraham’s Wallet:
AW website: https://abrahamswallet.com/2017/11/27/what-is-abrahams-wallet/
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/abrahams-wallet/id1462593706
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6xbcf3IhayaoKB4sTegPRw?si=4M-m7mwUR0GigEkgrf3aJA
YouTube full episodes: https://www.youtube.com/@abrahamswallet
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This Week’s Episode Rundown:
0:00 Mark’s white elephant party
6:30 Shout out to year end giving
10:00 Gambling introduction, stats etc.
19:00 The Biblical take
25:00 Mark’s poker bio
42:00 Gambling with your investing dollars
48:50 The VC startup investing model
52:35 Smart money
1:00:40 Get serious and get free