Abraham’s Wallet exists to inspire and equip Biblical family leaders. Please consider supporting this ministry at https://abrahamswallet.com/donate/
Steven Manuel talks to Justin Wolfenberg about how the post-Biblical church architecture has served to sideline fathers’ rightful place in the spiritual formation of their families. The local pastor is not the spiritual leader of your home!
Resources mentioned in this episode:
The Open Church, James Rutz
About Abraham’s Wallet:
AW website: https://abrahamswallet.com/2017/11/27/what-is-abrahams-wallet/
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This Week’s Episode Rundown:
0:00 Introducing Justin and the issue at hand
4:30 The calling of Abraham
7:25 The Biblical vs. modern structures for communication
10:30 The challenge of “full time ministry”
14:30 The overwhelming feeling of fatherhood
22:10 The responsibility of a father
25:20 The one thing every father must do to save his generations
31:03 Review of the two opposing models of spiritual authority
32:25 Who will answer to God?
39:10 Blessing